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Do you know your rights?

Did you know that in certain situations, such as at work, the law says that you can’t be treated less favourably, or put at a disadvantage, because of your sex?  This is because Sex is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act. Sex refers to whether you are (or are not) a particular sex; a man or a woman.


This unfair treatment is called discrimination. There are several types of discrimination, including direct and indirect discrimination.


Direct discrimination is when you are treated less favourably because of your sex.  For instance, if a woman is getting paid less than a male colleague for doing the same job.


Indirect discrimination is when an arrangement that affects everyone has an unfair effect on some people because of their sex. For example, if a role is advertised internally and therefore the only people who can apply are men.


People can be treated differently because of their sex where there is a good reason to do so, such as when a role is advertised for a position in a women’s refuge and the applicants must be women.


It’s important to know and understand equality law, but it can be complex.

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